I can't reach my toes - can I do yoga?

Absolutely. I firmly believe that yoga is for everybody - and the benefits felt by people with limited flexibility can be amazing. My beginner classes for men are designed especially for those with no experience and limited flexibility

Frequently asked questions

Do I need lots of equipment to do yoga?

No. Just a mat (a camping sleep mat is fine!), a drink and loose fitting clothes are all you need. Yoga is usually done barefoot so you do not even need shoes

I am a beginner - what sort of class is right for me?

A beginners class! Hatha yoga offers a bit of everything and is usually where people start. If you are not sure get in touch. Studios such as Shine in Belper offer a wide variety of classes so drop me a line and I can find the right one for you.

Why do you offer yoga for men?

Our bodies differ so men and women both benefit from dedicated classes. Also many men, especially beginnners do not feel comfortable in mixed classes. By offering classes for men I can deliver tailored programmes in a welcoming and fun environment

Why did the dinosaurs die out?

They did not do enough yoga!